Servicing Menu for
Porsche 987 Boxster 2.9
20K Service
Plug in and read out fault memory
Replace oil and filter
Replace pollen filter
Inspection of: vehicle underside for fluid leaks and rubbing and engine compartment, coolant hoses, coolant (level and antifreeze check), radiator vents for debris, air intake, brake system, brake hoses and lines (Tectly all metal ones), drive shafts and CV boots, all suspension and steering joints, tyre condition and pressures, lubricate locks and hinges, electrical equipment, horn, windscreen wiper washing system, power steering and fluid level check and lighting system (including headlights and indicators)
Test drive
Wash and vacuum
Prices from
40K Service
As 20K service with the addition of:
Change air filter
Remove wheels clean up and lube hubs
Check and adjust handbrake
Check drive belt
Prices from
60k Service
As 40k service with addition of:
Replace spark plugs
Replace drive belt
Replace PDK clutch fluid
Replace air filter
Prices from
£1061 (PDK)
120K Service
As 60k service with addition of:
Manual transmission change oil
PDK transmission change oil
Prices from
Oil & Filter Change
Oil and filter change only
Replace oil and filter
Test drive
Wash and vacuum
Prices from
Brake Fluid Change
Porsche recommend every 2 years
Prices from